Assessment by Guest Ustad

Al Hasanain has a policy to assess our students’ progress by specialist guest teachers, ustads and educators of renowned institutions. This is done to evaluate ourselves and find out our shortcomings if any and to receive feedback to pinpoint the areas that demand improvement. At the same time, we feel assured of our progress and evaluation when we attract positive feedback from our guest ustads. It helps us to stabilize ourselves and to move forward.

The policy implemented by Al Hasanain, which involves assessing students’ progress through specialist guest teachers, ustads, and educators from renowned institutions, is indeed a wonderful assessment criterion for several reasons:

  1. Expertise and Credibility: Involving guest teachers and educators from renowned institutions brings a high level of expertise and credibility to the assessment process. These individuals are experienced professionals in their fields and can provide accurate and insightful evaluations of students’ progress.
  2. Objective Evaluation: External experts provide an unbiased perspective on students’ performance. Since they are not directly involved with the institution, their assessment is less likely to be influenced by internal biases or preconceived notions.
  3. Identifying Shortcomings: External assessments are valuable for identifying areas where the institution might be falling short. The expert feedback can pinpoint specific weaknesses or shortcomings in teaching methods, curriculum design, or student support, allowing the institution to make necessary improvements.
  4. Quality Assurance: By consistently seeking feedback from experts, the institution demonstrates its commitment to maintaining high educational standards. This ongoing quality assurance process helps ensure that students receive a rigorous and up-to-date education.
  5. Motivation and Accountability: Knowing that their progress is being evaluated by respected experts can motivate students to perform at their best. Likewise, educators and administrators are more likely to maintain a high level of dedication and accountability when their work is being evaluated by external professionals.
  6. Continuous Improvement: The feedback provided by guest teachers and educators serves as a roadmap for continuous improvement. Institutions can use this feedback to refine their teaching methods, update their curriculum, and implement best practices that are in line with current educational trends.
  7. Validation of Progress: Positive feedback from guest ustads and educators serves as validation for the institution’s efforts and progress. When experts acknowledge the quality of education provided, it boosts the institution’s reputation and instils confidence in students, parents, and the broader community.
  8. Holistic Assessment: External assessments complement internal evaluations by providing a holistic view of students’ progress. The combination of different perspectives helps create a more comprehensive understanding of each student’s strengths and areas needing improvement.
  9. Benchmarking Against Excellence: Guest experts often come from renowned institutions, which provides a benchmark for comparison. Institutions can measure themselves against these esteemed institutions and strive to reach or exceed similar levels of excellence.
  10. Stakeholder Satisfaction: The involvement of external experts signals to stakeholders, including parents, students, and prospective students, that the institution is committed to transparency, accountability, and delivering high-quality education.

In conclusion, Al Hasanain’s policy of assessing students’ progress through specialist guest teachers and educators from renowned institutions is a wonderful assessment criterion because it promotes objectivity, accountability, continuous improvement, and the pursuit of excellence. It helps the institution identify areas for growth, maintain high standards, and ensure that students receive a well-rounded and top-quality education.

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